Sunday, July 5, 2015

An attempt to explore the Digital World

This first blog of mine is more about my induction into “Digital Marketing”. It all started with some reviews which I read about regarding the potential of this field in India. I remember reading in one of the newspapers about the possibility of 1.5 Lakh Jobs which will be created in next two years & India’s emergence as a digital outsourcing hub for services like online advertising, social media and website design etc. So definitely a huge demand; but the downside is the availability of trained people to handle the same. So with some background of Sales, marketing and Advertisement, I thought of taking a deep dive to understand it in detail. While I was reading about all this and thinking of a way to get started, I came across an ad in one of the social media platforms (so see the benefit of Digital Marketing) from an institution claiming to prepare you as a digital marketer in few months. The ad made me feel as if I was waiting for it to come. I had a discussion with few of my friends and guides, and decided to go for it. Thus the journey in exploring the Digital World began. It was a great experience attending the classes and meeting new friends, some of whom were already professionals in this field. The first thing that struck me was that Google was much more than just a search engine, with so much happening in the background. Next few months were really productive with lots of learnings and discussions. Lessons learnt during the classes and further reading provided a lot of insight into way the industry works. I did not take long to understand that there is so much to explore. I began to understand how one of the day to day activities which we perform on search engines and social platforms dictates the marketing strategies for various products, services & organizations, which as a lay person, probably I would have never understood.
 Exploring this field further and being in touch with the latest updates has become a regular thing now. This has also become a new topic of discussion with friends around. During one such discussion, I was suggested to start a blog for starters in Digital Marketing, or say Digital Maketing for new comers. The idea was good so thought of validating it further from you all. I am planning to write few articles which will detail out Digital Marketing and the components involved, like Google Adwords, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing and many more.
 So friends let me know if this sounds exciting to understand more about Digital Marketing. This will be definitely very basic knowledge of how this field operates. Based on the response from you all, I will plan for my next article. I am sure I will also be able to share some of the practical experience which I will get as a digital marketer in coming posts. Signing off for now and waiting to hear from you all.